Our Team

For us, only one sentence applies: “All for one and one for all“.

Executive Board

Nikola Jeličić

Nikola Jeličić

Scholarship generation and place of study – Cologne, started in 2006

snježana (1)

Dr. Snježana Donat

Scholarship generation and place of study – Cologne, started in 2009

Advisory Board

Ilze Zumente

Ilze Zumente

Scholarship generation and place of study – Cologne, started in 2011

Favorite quote – If someone says it cannot be done, do it twice and make pictures.

Amela Nevaljalović

Amela Nevaljalović

Scholarship generation and place of study – Leadership Summer School 2023

Favorite quote – ”When you come out of a storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what the storm was all about” (Haruki Murakami)

Dominik Novotny

Dominik Novotny

Scholarship generation and place of study – Cologne, started 2015

Favorite quote – It’s better to try and fail than fail to try at all.”

Maria Baran

Maria Baran

Scholarship generation and place of study – Cologne, started 2003

Favorite quote –  I can only show you the door, you’re the one that has to walk through it. (Morpheus in ‘Matrix’)

About Us

We are a network in the countries of Central and Southeast Europe for European integration. Our association was founded by numerous alumni of the Funding program of the Rochus and Beatrice Mummert Foundation to advance the vision of the founders.

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