Youth Speak Forum, November 2018, Serbia

Dieses Jahr war auch unser Verein war Mitveranstalter des Youth Speak Forums in Serbien. Die Mummert Alumnae Nevenka Subakov und Masa Marjanovic haben an mehreren Veranstaltungen des Forums den Verein persönlich vertreten. DerVerein war auch virtuell dabei: die Aumnae Nevanka Subakov, Masa Marjanovic, Krisztina Gubicza und Tünde Dombi haben mit kurzen Videos unseren Verein präsentiert und über Themen des Forums sich geäußert. Das Youth Speak Forum hat in den folgenden Städten stattgefunden:

  • Niš – 16.11.2018
  • Novi Sad – 19.11.2018
  • Kragujevac – 23.11.2018
  • Belgrad – 28.11.2018

The project is organized by student organization AIESEC and brings together students, the corporate, non-governmental and governmental sector in one place, and provides them with a space for exchanging ideas in order to jointly respond to the problems of today.

The Youth Speak Forum enables students to exchange ideas with leaders from different areas in one place, gain a better insight into the problems that the world is facing today and take an active role in solving them in their own environment. We provide students with the opportunity to gain a new perspective that will trigger their desire to work on personal and professional development, but also to make their society better.

As the vision of the Mummert Alumni Association is to develop the competitiveness and prosperity of the target countries, the strengthening of the economy and democracy and the promotion of cultural and economic exchange between targeted countries and Germany, and trough that to increase the attractiveness of a “career made at home”, encouraging young talented people to actively develop in their home countries rather than emigrate, Youth Speak Forum is great platform that provides that possibility. By motivating youth to stay in their country, yet have an international perspective; motivating them to work on themselves, yet calling them on an action that the society needs, Youth Speak is providing them with a concrete skill set which is necessary for youth to make a better future.

There are three segments, three parts, of YouthSpeak Forum event:

Part 1. – Inspire

The YouthSpeak Forum is designed to inspire students through the short and powerful motivational stories of our speakers and experiential learning. We want to launch students and give them an opportunity to crystallize opinions and attitudes. Corporate and public sector leaders are invited to share their knowledge, experience and life-learning with students in accordance with the defined topic of the Forum.

Part 2. – Engage

In order to achieve a positive impact on our environment, we need to have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. By gathering students from different faculties and people from different fields, the Forum creates an atmosphere of learning and exchanging ideas. Through workshops, interactive lectures and conversations, students associate with lecturers from partner lecturers who encourage their thinking about the possibilities of working on themselves, but also taking on an active role in the world.

Part 3. – Act

Calling to an action is the most important part. We give all students the opportunity to express them-selves and express their opinions. They will have the opportunity to group, feel the magic of team work and use the knowledge gained at workshops to solve specific problems.


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